Thursday, September 25, 2014


Here is the update on me.

I am still on Remicade and will probably continue to be for a while. My intestines are in a pretty bad state, but there is still HOPE! I am on the line where the inflammation is right where it could either go extremely bad, orrrr, I can help myself and improve. To be able to do that, I am supposed to eat SCD, take probiotics, manage my stress, and continue to be on Remicade. I am hoping and praying for the strength to be able to turn my life around.
It was very bittersweet for me to go back on Remicade. I was angry because I was right back where I started, but relieved because I could function again. I have truly taken advantage of being able to have energy and do things. I am productive and feel so much more alive. Being on meds though is not ideal. My goal is to get off meds again.

I absolutely love this quote because it is so true. I have learned that there is more for me to learn and that there is more that I can do. Giving up won't make anything better. Heavenly Father has a plan for me, and if I rely on Him, I can find the strength and courage I need to keep going.

Going back on this diet is not easy. I am tempted every day to eat things I shouldn't and, unfortunately, I give in too much and then regret making the choice right after. I wish I could be perfect but every day is a new day. I have a testimony of fasting and prayer, that it can give me the strength to resist the things that are not healthy for me. It is all about me making the choice to commit and to believe that taking care of myself is more important than a piece of warm, homemade bread. haha I know what isn't working for me, so here is for another attempt. I encourage every one in my position to stay positive. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to as long as we are doing every thing we can to help ourselves; one day at a time. We must not get down on ourselves for making mistakes. Those mistakes can make us stronger if we let them.
Happy Blogging! Time for me to start sharing recipes with you all again :)


GenerationBlessed said...

I so needed to read this you have no idea! Thank you for posting! I'm 23, have Chron's too and am on Remicade, but desperately want to be off. Is there anyway I can connect with you to chat? My email is on instagram i'm @sydinbloom :-)

Clayton + Melanie said...

Yes! I just sent you an email. I am so sorry for such a delay. I never saw this comment before. Thanks for visiting my blog :) Feel free to follow it and hopefully we can chat!