Friday, February 7, 2014


Unfortunately, I have been having some health issues occur lately. I have not been able to continue my paleo challenge because I have been very weak and lethargic. My Crohns has been acting up and it has been an adventure trying to understand why. I am learning that acid seems to be causing a lot of the issues and so I have been needing to take nexium along with my probiotics. I am hoping to be seen by a homeopathic doctor soon to help me cut to the chase. As many of you probably know, it can be very discouraging to be feeling sick when you are trying everything you can to prevent it. I am grateful to have supportive family and friends to help me get through it :) In the mean time, I have come across some great recipes. I added some to the recipe index from other blogs that I absolutely love and then here is a waffle recipe that I came up with myself. Hope you enjoy!

So I totally made these waffles out of a mistake I had made. I was trying to turn pecans into pecan flour but sure enough I left them mixing in the food processor long enough to make a paste haha lesson learned. It was a mistake I am so glad I made because these waffles turned out delicious. I didn't add cinnamon but it definitely would have been an amazing touch.

Pecan Waffles
1 cup of Pecan "paste" 
(add pecans to a food processor and turn it on. keep mixing until a paste is created)
3 eggs
1/3 cup of coconut milk
3 tbsp of honey
3 tbsp of coconut oil, melted
1/4 tsp of salt
3 tbsp coconut flour
3/4 tsp of baking soda

1. Turn waffle Iron on
2. mix wet ingredients in a food processor
3. add the dry ingredients, mix well
4. Pour batter into iron and cook to desired settings on your iron.
5. I then put the waffles on a plate and drizzle honey for syrup and enjoy! 
Like I mentioned before, Cinnamon would taste amazing added into this recipe :)
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

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