Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dairy-Free White Sauce!?!?!

I have truly missed dairy. I used to be so obsessed with milkshakes, creamy smoothies, caramel, cheese and chicken ALFREDO! man! Dairy really does make up a lot of what people consume. It is in so many things. Thank goodness for substitutes. I am still learning of ways to substitute but one thing I am definitely grateful for is canned coconut milk! I was able to make my own version of chicken alfredo. I am just going to call it a white sauce because you can't find any white sauces anywhere that aren't dairy free. If you know of one, let me know. As of now though, I made my own and it tasted wonderful! I served it over spaghetti squash of course! But feel free to serve it over whatever you want!

Chicken, White Sauce
Desired amount of Thinly Sliced chicken breasts (no added ingredients, minimally processed)
salt and pepper
1 can of Coconut Milk, not refrigerated.
1/3 cup of almond flour
1 tsp of thyme
1 tsp of parsley
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
5 garlic cloves, minced
1-2 shallot cloves, diced
Salt and pepper your chicken that has been cut up into smaller chunks.
 Pour a little EVOO into a pan, set to med-high. Place chicken into the pan and move chicken pieces around. Add in the garlic and shallots when the chicken is closer to being done.
Once chicken is done (no more red), pour coconut milk into the pan.
Add in the almond flour and the rest of the spices.
Stir until well combined and let it simmer until it has thickened a little bit.
Place the chicken white sauce over desired dish. Spaghetti squash is what I chose :) ENJOY!
Excuse the paper plate haha I don't have a dishwasher so paper plates make clean up so much easier after dinner :P


El Scotto said...

Why did you give up dairy?

Clayton + Melanie said...

I gave up dairy because I have learned that my body can't handle it. At least right now. My doctor suggested that I go completely dairy free and then once I am symptom free, I can work into a trial and error of what dairy products work for me. I will never be able to consume dairy all the time, just sparingly. When I get to that point, I will post my experiences. Many people following SCD end up being dairy free as well.