Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Great News!

So, I heard back from my doctor about my MRI results! Sure enough, following the SCD diet is paying off! The results of my scan were great and my doctor believes I am ready to continue on without Remicade. I just need to stick to my diet! I am SO EXCITED! I am also a little on the nervous side. This is my chance to be self managed forever. There is a chance it wont work; a chance that my body needs the medication to stay symptom free. I am hopeful though and so glad that the next stage is to prove my body can handle it rather than having to have surgery. Such a relief. :) My hard work is paying off!

SCD S'mores
The other day I had s'mores at Clayton's brothers house. I made the marshmallows and graham crackers at home before hand. I wanted to make white chocolate but I ran out of vanilla. So instead I used strawberries. It was delicious! Kind of like a strawberry short cake :)

Click on the links that take you to the recipes I like to use:

Graham Crackers
(Instead of using this recipe for a crust, just flatten the dough on some parchment paper, cut the pieces with a pizza cutter to the size desired, and then place on a cookie sheet and bake it that way.)

my husband is obsessed with these marshmallows and ends up eating more than I do haha I like the option of coating them with unsweetened coconut flakes and a little cinnamon.

and if I were to make white chocolate, this is the recipe I would use
White Chocolate

**If you don't make the chocolate, use strawberries, or peanut butter, or whatever you desire :)

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