So last weekend, Neal and I went to this awesome place called Monster Mini Golf! It was indoors AND glow in the dark :D so much fun. Neal and I took some great pictures in front all kinds of crazy and somewhat creepy things haha We had some good laughs. We were often put in some awkward positions when our glow in the dark golf balls found their way into cracks and corners haha but since we are pros, we got them out easily :P I recommend this place for some good fun and I plan on going back soon!
The other day, Me, Neal, Joe and Sam went to see Step Up 3D. The movie was very cheesy but the dancing was insane!!! I was so tempted to get up and bust a move in the theater haha So I only recommend seeing the movie for the awesome dance scenes! After the movie, we went back home to have dinner and we went swimming for a little bit. Then we played an intense game of Candy Land. Longest game of Candy Land I have ever played. Neal and I weren't having much luck getting to the castle but Neal eventually beat me! So yeah, it was a fun evening until.... ...Neal and I busted out Scrabble and it became a VERY fun evening, or more like night!!!! This was also the longest game of Scrabble I have ever played and honestly the most fun! Yes, you might notice that some of the words on there aren't one word or don't really go along with the rules of the game, but that's okay. We just had to make some exceptions hahahaha hysterical! Anyways...School started up for me this week. I felt so unprepared. I'm definitely still not over the summer mode, but I am determined to do very well this term. I have a full load which makes me nervous. This just means I need to manage my time well and stick to my schedule :-/ I'm lucky though to know some people who can help me with my classes if I ever need help and I seem to have some pretty good teachers thus far. I signed up for institute as well so I am definitely set! I am hoping this term will go by fast. BYU-I is just right there around the corner...that is if I get accepted. Just waiting on those transcripts. Hoping for the best :D
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