The end of August: Neal, Me, Avonlea, and Riley went on a night hike. They thought it would be funny to pretend that the area we were going to had bears and that they would completely freak me out. Riley had an app on his phone that they pretended to be a radar for bears and it showed there were a few wandering the area. They showed it to me but I wasn't really scared. Not sure why but I wasn't worried about it at all. When we got to the area, we walked around and found a really cool bridge. We threw rocks into the water and then Neal and I went to look for more.... All of a sudden, Avonlea and Riley come running towards us, telling us to run cause there is a bear really close (determined by the radar) haha So of course I started running with them but they really weren't running all that fast for being scared...(hmmmm) haha I figured something wasn't right and that everyone was freaking out for nothing but I just went along with it. They kept checking "the radar" and started running again when we were on the road. At this point, I really wasn't worried and kind of found it humorous as to how much they were freaking out. When we got back in the car, they told me it was all a joke to scare me. HAAAA It was weird how I didn't get scared at all. Nice try guys :P .... Avonlea realized she left her brand new water bottle on the bridge :( so that was a bummer. Fun night tho. I love hikes and places where you can see the stars!! Neal and I went to a root beer kegger lol It was a house party for young single adults. So much fun. They had a DJ and dancing so of course I danced it up all night haha The cops showed up thinking we were a bunch of drunks, sure enough they found out we were a bunch of mormons. No harm done there! but yeah, we had a really good time and were exhausted by the time we left. This here is Neal and me about to drive home. Labor Day Weekend: I went camping with Lindsay, her kids, Joe, Mom, and Morgan up by the beach! It was so much fun. We celebrated Easton's birthday since it was on the Saturday we were there. The first day we were there, there was a lot of fog on the beach. That was really awesome. Never been on a foggy beach before. haha Our camping experience was very interesting. Haha I drove up with lindsay before my family came to set the tents up and everything. We go to make dinner on the camping stove to find that the piece that connects to the propane tank was missing soooo....the whole camping trip, we made breakfast and dinner on the fire pit. So many great laughs. I also found out that when we were packing up our things on the last day, I had been sleeping in Easton's sleeping bag the whole time hahaha no wonder I felt so big in that sleeping bag. So funny. Anyways, we had a ton of fun. The night we got back camping, Joe and I went out with Neal and Sam. We went to the most delicious hamburger place for dinner and then went to the lake to just walk around. It was a wonderful night and of course Neal and I ended it with some BIG SPOON! Big spoon kinda became our tradition....we pretty much ended up there every time we went on a date haha. Since we are both dairy free, we get their sorbet, which is absolutely delicious!! :D The last night before Neal leaves for Utah :( We went to the temple to hang out and we took some great pictures! Then we went to Nuyo frozen yogurt where we decided we like that frozen yogurt place better now :-0 haha so the next time we get the opportunity to go, we will... This was the last morning we got to see each other before Neal left for Utah on the train. Sad moment but it is not a goodbye, it is a see ya later! He will have so much fun in Utah! :D Last weekend (Friday Night) was the Institute Luau! This was a lot of fun. Katie and I drove up with some new friends of ours, Clayton and Ryan. The car ride went by pretty quickly, besides the few potty stops haha. We actually arrived in the town a little early so we stopped in a parking lot and Clayton taught me how to drive stick! It was so fun. Not as hard as I thought it would be. I got practicing enough to be able to drive on the road to get us to the luau but...we kind of got lost. hahaha We couldn't find the street, and I was supposedly the best at navigating but couldn't cause I was driving. Well I could have but they would not let me haha. So we stopped and let Clayton drive us again so I could help find where we were going. We got there a little late but just in time for dinner :) The water and sky were gorgeous! I just had to take pictures. We walked along the beach for a while. The water was actually pretty warm so we wished we had brought swim suits...oh well! The rest of the night, we watched some of the entertainment they provided, walked on the beach some more, and then danced it up a bit when the DJ started going. It was a lot of fun. We went to In N Out after wards and then called it a night. Saturday night, Clayton and I went to a drive-in. I hadn't been to a drive-in in the longest time. I didn't even know we had one nearby so that was really exciting :D We saw the movie Salt! Very cool movie and while we were watching it, we saw so many shooting stars. I have never seen so many in one night! So that was pretty sweet. In the meantime, I got accepted to BYU-Idaho!!!!!!!! I am so excited to go there this winter. I am now just waiting for them to send me my track in the mail. My classes here at the community college are going well so far. I guess I'll find out if that changes when my first tests come up. :-/ My guitar class is awesome and I am learning so much, it is so exciting. The guitar is such an amazing instrument. Institute is also awesome! I am finding myself learning a lot and having manuals to go along with both my classes is very helpful. I love including them into my scripture study to gain a better understanding of what I am reading. I am so grateful for institute. I also just joined the institute council so I will be aware of all the activities, helping out as much as I can, and meeting new people :) So much fun and the first quarter of this school semester is almost over!!! YAY! but who is counting? haha
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