Monday, August 26, 2013

Strawberry Coconut Smoothie SCD Dairy Free

Some mornings, there is nothing better than a Strawberry smoothie :) Using Coconut milk with it makes it soooo delightful!

handful of organic baby spinach
1/2-1 cup of coconut milk. start with the 1/2 cup and then add more if you need it.**
1 cup of frozen strawberries
1 tbspn of raw honey
Optional- unsweetened coconut flakes. either add it into the smoothie or add it to the top for garnish. :)

**I used my canned coconut milk that I keep in the fridge. I scoop out the cream that rises to the top and use the milk that is underneath to put in the smoothie. I had less than 1/2 cup left of coconut milk when I was done making the smoothie...

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