To start out my birthday weekend on Friday, Tyler took me to get a pedicure :D soooo cute, and then we went to the bead store where he let me pick out 3 different cool rings. They make them there with wire after you choose a bead. It was such a cool idea and very thoughtful of him. Then when we got back to his house, he had the BBQ set up with the outdoor table and chairs. We made steak and shrimp with vegetables and potatoes. The most delicious dinner ever and so much fun to make with him. He is so sweet!

Us enjoying our delicious meal :)

On Saturday, I went to San Fran with Tyler and Avonlea. We just walked around Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf.

For dinner we went to The Rain Forest Cafe!!! They brought me an ice cream for my birthday. I blew out the candle and let Tyler and Avonlea eat it.

He wasn't eating it because he felt bad that I wasn't able to eat it, so I forced him to eat it hahahahahaha

He definitely got me back for that :P

After dinner, we met up with Kristyn. She goes to school there. It was a fun day :D

Sunday, I shared my day with my mom and grandma since it was Mothers Day. Joe made steak on the BBQ for dinner. Morgan and Spencer came over to eat with us. After dinner, I opened my gifts and then we had cake, Grandmas Specialty and my favorite :D

It was a really fun birthday weekend. This next week I plan on going out to dinner with my mom and then with my dad another night. I am really looking forward to that! :)
Looks like you had a great birthday, so fun!
YEAH! happy b-day
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