Saturday, May 1, 2010

Catching Up

Its been a long time since I have updated this blog. Soooo.... events that have passed:

Valentine's Day
My boyfriend was very sweet and made me a steak dinner. It was delicious and a lot of fun. Since it was a Sunday, I wasn't sure what he had planned to do, and the table set for two was very unexpected and wonderful! :)
Aunt Verda's Funeral
This funeral was the first funeral I have ever attended. Although I didn't know Verda that well, it seemed like I did. I got emotional when the story of her life was told and then knowing that we will see her again someday... I was able to see family there that I haven't seen in a long time, people that I don't really remember meeting cause I was so young at the time. It was fun being able to see extended family and see where I came from. The funeral was a great experience and I am very glad I was able to drive up with my mom on behalf of my grandparents who weren't able to make it.
My surgery
On April 8th, I went in for surgery. I was very unsure of what it was going to be like. It seemed unreal to me. Coming out from it was awful for me. I felt every pain that I thought was going to be relieved from pain meds haha I was in the hospital for 5 days. I am very grateful for all my visitors and for my friends and family who fasted and prayed for me. I felt so loved and blessed. The surgery went very well and I know that all the prayers were answered. So thanks to everyone. This was a hard thing for me to go through but knowing that I had so many people fasting and praying for me, I was very comforted. :)

Grandma's Birthday
For Grandma's birthday, I made a ton of star and heart shaped cupcakes :) They were so cute and fun. I wasn't able to go out to dinner with the family cause I had class, but after, she opened her gifts and we ate cake and ice cream. Grandma basically celebrated her birthday for a week. She was constantly going out to lunches and dinners with friends and family. She had a great birthday. :)
For Easter Sunday, we carpooled with Alan and Lori down to Dale and Lisa's house for dinner. It was very nice visiting with them. Dinner was delicious and we all had a great time. I love Easter and it was fun teaching about the true meaning in Sunday School to my 4 year old primary kids. Not only does Easter include bunnies and eggs filled with candy, but it is the time to remember Jesus Christ's resurrection. The kids enjoyed learning about it.
5 months
Tyler and I have now been dating for 5 months. Crazy how time is flying by. He is my best friend and a wonderful boyfriend. Not sure what I would have done these last 5 months without him. Thanks Tyler for everything!!!!
As of now, I am stressing over finals and can't wait for the semester to be over... I'm lost as to who I want to become and where I want to transfer to. I have so many interests. I know that where I am right now is where I am supposed to be and I just have to have faith that what is meant to happen for me in my life will come in time. I just need to keep making good choices and living my life righteously. Patience is key, definitely something I feel I am lacking haha

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