Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas/Beach/Disneyland/CA Adventure

On Christmas Eve, we continued our tradition of dinner and a movie! We usually have pizza but we did things a little differently this year. We tried to go to california pizza kitchen but they closed at 5! Way too early I thought haha Anyways, so we ended up going to BJs.
Grandma and Grandpa across from us at the table. The Best Grandparents EVER!! :)
After dinner, we went to the movies and saw Did You Hear About the Morgans? That was a very cute movie. Grandpa especially enjoyed it because it brought back some of his memories since a lot of it was based in Wyoming. After the movie, Mom, Grandma, and I drove around to look at Christmas lights. That was a lot of fun. We sang Christmas carols in the car and saw some great lights :)Christmas Day!! Me and Joe waiting patiently on the stairs haha
I got a bike from SANTA ;D I look like a little girl getting her first bike haha. I love it!
The fam after breakfast. Our family breakfast was a blast. SOOO many great laughs and Grandpa told so many great stories while a piece of Grandma's bacon flew off her plate lol Anyways, this Christmas was definitely a memorable one! I love my Family! :)
The day after Christmas, Mom, Joe, and I went to Capistrano Beach. Thanks again to Mark and Carie for letting us use their time share :) We had a good time there and the beach was beautiful!
Me walking along the beach!
The water was absolutely freeezzzinng!
Me and Joe before we went back to the hotel to warm up! haha
Disneyland was sooo crowded. We tried to get as many fast passes as we could so we didn't always have to wait in long lines. Here is Mom and me waiting in the fast pass line for The Haunted Mansion!
Toowntown! One of our family's old favorites :)
Its a small world was absolutely beautiful!!!! They had a great light show going on!
The fireworks were unbelievable!!! Definitely a magical experience!
California Adventure!!! Hollywood Tower of Terror! One of the best rides there!
Us posing with Minnie! :)
Goofy Santa. Joe wasnt ready for the picture haha.
Maliboomer! Such a rush!
Us trying on hats in the store!
Joe and I bought these awesome Dopey hats haha This is us at the Bugs Life 3D show. Such a fun show! Definitely a favorite!
We had so much fun on our trip. California Adventure wasn't as crowded so that was nice. We came home on New Years Eve day so we could come home and celebrate the new year with friends. It was definitely a memorable new years. Joe and I were sitting in the family room with some friends watching the ball drop and with about 7 sec left in the countdown, the t.v. turned off because our mom hadn't changed the parental controls on the t.v.! lol We couldn't believe it haha We laughed for days over that haha Definitely a new years we wont forget :) I hope everyone else had a good one!!

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