Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Morgans 22nd Birthday!

Since Morgan was able to spend time with Spencer on her birthday, we celebrated for her on Sunday.
She got an amazingly soft robe from mom!! I want one! hah and she got some money and a thoughtful card from Gma and Gpa.
I got her a gingerbread insense for her apartment, a pack of different kinds of Burts Beeswax Chapstick, and some Citrus sanitizing hand lotion :D
Joe got her a kit where she can make, scarves, beanies, blankets, etc with yarn. She really liked that!
She blew out all 22 candles!!!!! Its crazy how old we all are now!
This is the confetti cake I made for her. It was absolutely delicious!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MORGAN!!!! :D

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